With the non-fibre services being due to turned off imminently, we have created some bundles to help advise on your likely requirements.
The great news right now, is that you will probably save money by upgrading.
Without being dramatic, you need to convert to fibre based services (calls / connectivity / internet / etc.) and as soon as possible.
All exchanges will have their non-fibre services turned off before the end of 2025 but many will be earlier. Once each exchange has 80% of services using fibre it can and will turn off all non-fibre services. If you are one of the 20% not upgraded, you will experience problems.
As each exchanges turn-off time gets closer, it will get harder to schedule in installations and we believe installation prices will increase. Right now there is plenty of availability and no installation costs for many fibre services.
The first stage of the turn-off is “Stop-Sell”. This will stop any business from ordering old services including ISDN channels.
All our bundles include fibre internet access included, if required.
(Different speeds and contention ratios are selectable.)
Mobile phone packages can be added offering no/low cost options.

Small Business
One phone line only
New lower price announced
Small to Medium Business
Single site with more than one telephone line / channel but no phone system.
Being re-designed, please check back soon

Business with old Phone System
Business with important Business Integrated Phove system
Business with an old phone system happy to upgrade to modern low/no upfront cost solution.
Being re-designed, please check back soon
Business with an existing on-premise phone solution that needs to stay just needing a fibre connection.
Being re-designed, please check back soon